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Get a Strong as a Mother Shirt - Free

We want to hear your story; you get Strong as a Mother Shirt Free. Being a Strong as a Mother is something wonderful, full of rewards… true but… sometimes I feel these words are written by guys, like me. I'm the founder of My Small Store and I am a guy thus I have no clue about Motherhood so let's look at what is being a Mother from my point of view and memories of my Mom. I may not say it out loud, but Parenthood is not easy, nah, I'm saying it out loud anyway. Many are too embarrassed to say that it isn’t the over-the-moon. When Mothers tell me their stories, and then challenge me to shut up and listen to their unfiltered realities of having and raising children, I do listen.

A few examples of Strong as a Mother

I saw on Twitter a young Mom being bashed for saying a few months after a giving birth: "I think we made a huge mistake, we were not prepared." You have to be strong as a Mom to say that. I thanked her for her honesty and for not giving up. Name someone fully prepared to give birth and raise a child to adulthood, no one? Come on… My Mom wasn't. She was raised with the belief that Motherhood is

the greatest accomplishment for a woman

. But, she managed with my Father's support and help. She strongly stuck to Motherhood even when she got MS after the birth of my younger sister. Someone I know had to take her only son to court for a drug offence then to rehab while getting a second job to help pay for lawyers expenses and other fees. How many would have given up in fron of this situation? She sticks to her

strong Mom role

while loving her son and helping him to fix his issues.

Motherhood is intense

. Experiencing so much joy and love for a new baby but it comes with heartache as many feel bringing up children. For some, Motherhood is caring for a little one, diaper changing, feeding, cleaning after, counseling, keeping busy… They simply forget the emotional impact of not having a life on your own. One of our employee with a 2-year degree in business management, married with one 6-month old son decided to return to school to get a 4-year degree. Her husband was 100% with her as her paycheck would increase nicely. Well, 3 months into it, the dad dropped the ball claiming "I don't have a life anymore, can't even go to the fitness club!" She stopped classes to care for her son. (I would have dropped the hubby too :) ) Try to find your own life that works with parenting a child! No one tells you how much the responsibility for a child weighs on a Mother while she is still trying to be herself. Once, I took part in a "class" for working Moms - we have working Mothers @MySmallStore. The "trainer" is a single Mom of 3… Explained how gratifying and healthy it is to be a working Mother… but after googling a few times, I realized it was all fake. On social media she is thanking her dad for paying for the 2 nannies, she shows off her 5-bedroom beautiful house and thanks her family for "hosting" her kids on weekends. I'm afraid to say… she is NOT a real Mother! (go ahead, you can blame me,

it is still my opinion


Here are a few stories from our customers Mothers:

"For me, Motherhood was and still is a rollercoaster of feelings, many great, some not that good.  It's been a voyage of loving, learning and being demean every day.  It's walking some very somber days of postpartum misery mixed with unbelievable happiness." - Joan B. "Not taking things personally is the worse part of motherhood. Parenting is extremely rewarding, but also extremely difficult and complex. I hopped that the difficult part would end when they turned 18, but it's actually just an equally challenging yet various chapter. The problems are more extensive, their broken heart much more terrible, their mistakes much more 'costly' but the difference is that you're helping them navigate the adult years as a more knowledgeable parent who they can relate to as a pal." - Brit Z. "What is to be a perfect mom? …then I failed." Jen F.

Get a free Strong as a Mother shirt

Submit your own story here, I'll be pleased to send you a free Strong as a Mother shirt and to publish you if you want to. This is the t-shirt on our shop website:  


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